failure is not AN OPTION

It’s the 17th October and so I’m over halfway through Stoptober.
It’s been a long month so far and I’ve found it really hard not drinking. Jackie is also struggling. She texted me on Thursday and said that she has a new end date of 20th October as she was feeling miserable and grumpy.
My response went as follows:
‘Noooooo! Imagine the glory and achievement of 31 days and stay focused’….’focus on the positves of the month: a healthy liver, no hangovers….flip the negatives and focus on the positives. You can’t cave in. I won’t let you’.
Hahaha. I need to practice what I preach.
This time I’m operating out of sheer willpower which is a sure recipe for failure. I’m living for the 1st November and I’ve already booked a table at the Bacchus Bar for that day.