Happy Liver Days is the affectionate name that my good friend Jackie and I gave to our days of abstention back in 2016.
Daily drinkers, we would often What’s App each other suggesting a ‘Happy Liver Day’ the day after a particularly heavy night or weekend. On ambitious occasions we would challenge each other to achieve ‘five’ HLD days in a row.
Once we realised how unrealistic this was, we just opted for trying to achieve say 4 HLDs a month (we could pick and choose when these days would be). Even this revised target became virtually impossible to achieve.
Interestingly (some might suggest it is rather defeatist of me), I have chosen to run with Happy Liver Days as the title for my little online platform as I’m still not sure if my current sobriety is a long term thing that I will carry on with so I wanted to avoid over-committing by using the word ‘sober’. I do know now that I can achieve a substantial amount of Happy Liver Days so I’m happy to commit to that. I also like the fact that there is nice play on words that can be achieved by changing the wording to Happy ‘Livelier’ Days as HLDs certainly give you more energy. What’s not to love.
I work in marketing so of course I felt compelled to create a HLD logo and here it is:

As I start this journal, blog – call it what you will, I’m really not sure where I’m headed so feel free to guide me, tell me off or simply have bants with me.
Love Lucy xx